
{ Try This } How To Use A Jade Egg

How to use a jade egg or yoni egg

It’s no secret how much I LOVE my jade egg. It supercharged not only my connection to my sexuality, it also revolutionised my sexual pleasure! Yes! That little green mojo miracle maker opened the gateway to more orgasmic bliss than I ever thought possible!

Read / watch how the jade egg changed my life here

Now I  know what you may be thinking…But Tara, it’s just a little stone! How can it do so much!?

Well, it’s your lucky day! I wrote a kick arse eBook ALL about the benefits of the jade egg plus included some practices you can do at home right away (with or without an egg). Best part, it’s free! You can head over here to download it instantly. It’s worth a read trust me!

What’s the difference between jade eggs or yoni eggs?

Jade eggs are yoni eggs, that are made of Jade. “Yoni eggs” is the umbrella term.  Yoni eggs can be made from a variety of gemstones and materials such as rose quartz, obsidian, wood, or onyx. Different gemstones have different energetic qualities, so it’s important to choose one that feels right for you. I ALWAYS recommend beginning a yoni egg practice with a high-quality jade egg. Obsidian or  rose quartz eggs can often feel energetically more intense, can chip easily and in many cases are manufactured out of low-grade materials. Choose only the highest quality for internal use! Value your vagina.

This also applies to jade eggs. Be aware there are many types of fake “jade” on the market. Be wary of “jade” eggs that are light in colour and always ask your supplier if they are genuine nephrite jade. Ask for certification.

Why Jade?

Jade is referred to as ” the stone of Heaven”. Gentle and healing  jade (unlike rose quartz which can make me feel uber emotional! ) is considered the health, wealth and longevity stone and is used for increasing courage, wisdom, emotional balance, love, peace and harmony. Jade is also known as being androgynous, therefore, its considered to have a gentle, steady pulse of healing energy and helps to rid ourselves of negative thoughts and energy. Nephrite jade is very dense and strong which means it won’t chip or break if it suddenly shoots out from your vagina. Very handy, trust me! Another super important reason why I love and recommend jade yoni eggs is that jade (genuine nephrite jade) will not absorb bacteria, making it 100% body safe.

What Is A Jade Egg Or Yoni Egg Practice?

We call working with the jade egg or yoni egg a practice because – just like most things – becoming adept at using the egg requires patience, skill, time and energy. Most women, however, report dramatic changes and improvements within as little as 10 days! Think of your jade egg practice like yoga or going to the gym! You don’t see results overnight, right? Stick with it though and I promise your sexual wellbeing, your partner and your vagina will love you for it!

Jade Egg Benefits Include:

Increased connection and awareness to your vagina
Increased lubrication
Supercharged libido
Becoming out-of-this-world orgasmic!
Offering more sexual pleasure to your man
Balancing your emotions
Reducing PMS, menstrual cramps, breast discomfort
Reducing menopausal symptoms by increasing vaginal lubrication and balancing oestrogen levels               An increase in overall vitality and well-being

How To Use A Jade Egg/Yoni Egg

There many different ways to use the magical jade egg. From the simplest practice of simply wearing the jade egg (as you would a tampon) as you go about your daily activities, to a more structured routine of pelvic exercises. It’s completely up to you how much time you devote to maximise the benefits of this little baby!

My recommendation in order to gain maximum magic and benefits from a jade egg or yoni egg would be to dive in deep from the get go. Develop a full understanding of the practice, philosophy and teachings of the art of the jade egg. It goes so much deeper than just wearing a stone in your vagina and busting out some Kegals, trust me! It is a system of practices that create a deep and truly nourishing pathway to radiant self-love, sensual alive-ness and epic sex.

The Jade Egg Academy is a 4-week online course taken wherever, and whenever you like. It is my most powerful and comprehensive offering yet and is designed to transform you from the inside out using ancient teachings of the jade egg. You can check it out here

 More Ways To Use Your Jade Egg

  • Belly dancing
  • Sleep with it inside of you. Get ready for some interesting dreams!
  • Meditate with your egg inside you or holding it
  • Some gentle yoga
  • Use your jade egg in the shower. A great time saver! Simply pop your egg in, and while your busy shampooing squeeze those Kegel muscles!
  • Use it help clear past lovers and/or sexual trauma

If I was able to encourage you to do just one thing for yourself, it would be a regular jade egg practise. It really is that transforming! Priortize your sensual and sexual wellbeing and let the jade egg help you unlock and unleash your full feminine potential. You won’t regret it!



2 comments on “{ Try This } How To Use A Jade Egg”

  1. Mel
    September 9, 2024 at 5:22 pm

    I get urine leakage from giving birth to 3 kids, will this egg help to stop that??

  2. grace
    September 9, 2024 at 11:55 am

    Yes, yoni eggs are my best friend.
    I’ve been using it after giving birth and it’s doing wonders for me.

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